New NP-F Style Batteries with USB-C Charging

New NP-F Style Batteries with USB-C Charging

Ever use an NP-F style battery? Then you are probably familiar with one of these: 

Look, they do the job and they are still great. They charge your batteries but let’s be honest, if you are traveling and need to power a camera monitor or lighting kit, having a bunch of bulky chargers with you is not ideal. 

That's where the power of USB-C charging comes into play. We’ve all heard the saying “gamechanger” thrown around when a new product comes out, but sometimes it's the small things that really improve our experience. Being able to charge NP-F style batteries via USB-C is huge! Gone are the days of needing to bring dedicated chargers with you. This is perfect for solo creators or small teams working together on productions. Anything that helps to reduce your gear footprint while maintaining the same functionality is a win. 

These new USB-C chargeable NP-F style batteries are available now in 570 and 770, giving you a solid range of battery life and sizes to choose from. My personal monitor is capable of running at 2600nits, making it very bright. This generally chews through traditional batteries, requiring me to have multiple NP-Fs on hand. Having the peace of mind that I can quickly throw a battery on charge with a power bank when out on location is major. I don’t need access to a traditional outlet in order to get recharged. I simply swap in and out of my camera bag as needed. 

If you are an avid videographer or find yourself traveling with lighting equipment that can be powered via NP-F batteries, then these would be an awesome addition to your gear kit as well. Having the option of NP-F power makes your lighting setup far more flexible. Rather than being tethered to the wall and having to work exclusively around the presence of power outlets, you can freely move your lights about as you please. 

Several of our LED panels offer NP-F power as an option. This range includes our US1014RGB, Chroma CL68RGB, as well as several ring lights, giving you quite a variety to choose from. 

You might be thinking I sound overdramatic being this excited about charging a battery via USB-C but I promise this is a big upgrade from the traditional chargers. For greater convenience and peace of mind when on the road, I’d highly recommend checking out these new batteries.

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